How do I Crisis?
What Crisis delegates should do now
If you are participating in a crisis committee, you can find more information about your committee (as well as your background guide, when posted) on our website. As a member of a crisis committee, you are still required to submit a position paper. To learn more about position papers or to submit them, please visit here.
What is Crisis?
Much like a standard Security Council Committee, crisis committees are fast-paced and encourage delegates to think on their feet. Committees and roles are very specialized. They are often based on historical events, but take can take place in the present and future as well. Many Crisis Committees allow delegates to take on the role of key, individual players and actors, as opposed to nation states, each with their own set of personal goals.
Crisis Committee History
Crisis committees debuted for the first time at HAMUN during its 39th Session. Previously, the role of crises at conference were confined to scenarios masterminded by our staff that would break as news and updates in a standard GA committee, demanding the delegates’ attention to a new, unforeseen issue. While this still happens from time to time, crisis committees allow for our staff to craft elaborate scenarios that allow delegates to transport themselves into the past, future, or even alternate realities for the entire 2-day conference — using many of the same skills as in standard committees, but further demanding a host of creative and imaginative qualities.